Beiming Li

I am a graduate student at the GRASP Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania. I am extremely fortunate to be advised by Dr. Vijay Kumar and Dr. Alejandro Ribeiro.

Prior to UPenn, I earned my B.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan.

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Research Interests

My current research centers around artifical intelligence and robotics, with a specific focus on designing distributed multi-agent systems with graph neural networks and reinforcement learning.

Peer-Reviewed Publications
Learning to Explore Indoor Environments using Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles
Yuezhan Tao, Eran Iceland, Beiming Li, Elchanan Zwecher, Uri Heinemann, Avraham Cohen, Amir Avni, Oren Gal, Ariel Barel, Vijay Kumar
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.
Arxiv | Video

We present an indoor exploration framework that couples deep-learning-based map predictor and reinforcement-learning-based navigation policy.

SEER: Safe Efficient Exploration with Learned Information
Yuezhan Tao, Yuwei Wu, Beiming Li, Fernando Cladera, Alex Zhou, Dinesh Thakur, Vijay Kumar
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.
Arxiv | Code | Video

We develop an indoor exploration framework that uses learning to predict the occupancy of unseen areas, extracts semantic features, samples viewpoints to predict information gains for different exploration goals, and plans informative trajectories to enable safe and smart exploration.


ESE 650: Learning in Robotics
ESE 546: Principle of Deep Learning
ESE 514: Graph Neural Networks

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